ode to texstar


a mighty hero, lean and bold
came from texas, so i'm told
he came to rescue you and me
from durance vile and penury

he took a little bit of code
and turned it into pclos mode
remastered, tinkered, made it right
released it on a friday night

we all installed it straight away
and roared and hollered hip hooray!
it looks so good, it works so fine
it loads on all computers mine

productivity is now assured
with leisure time also ensured
a working os that needs no tweaks
will run untended weeks and weeks

now there's time to go outside
walk the beach, watch the tide
rolling in and rolling out
while throwing frisbees, laugh and shout

a life beyond the grinding bore
of doing yet another chore
to fix that awful box of woes
the one that's fitted with windows

three cheers for texstar loud and clear
so the whole darn world can hear
it's here for you, a better life
without the struggle, tears and strife

all thanks to texstar and his gang
for us they got out bells and rang
a clarion call to welcome all
and hence be held in texstar's thrall

long may he live to do his thang
together with his little gang
of dedicated coders clever
here's to you, for ever and ever
