Helpful Links Found on the Main PCLOS Forum

Must Have Bookmarks for All Newbies.

Thread started by: smileeb

These bookmarks will make it easier for many newcomers to Linux. They cover a wide range of topics and vary from very basic to advanced. If you know of any other useful links that we haven't included, please post to the original thread or send them to PCLinuxOS Magazine.

PCLOS community
  1. Forum rules
  2. Howto request a package
  3. Wiki home
  4. Community Projects
  5. PCLinuxOS magazine
  6. PCLinuxOS fan site
  7. Graphics for Linux
General Linux sites
  1. Check PCLOS's ranking
  2. Linux news, articles
Linux Forums
  1. Popular distro neutral help forum
  2. Original content
Linux Books
  1. help & info
  2. The LBook: An Introductory Guide to Linux Basics
  3. Free Linux Books
  4. The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide
Linux Guides
  1. Linux documentation project
  2. Huge list of HOWTOs
  3. Configuration files
  4. Hand hold tutorials
  5. Index of /pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO
  6. Linux Tips
  7. Full list of help
  8. Help by category
  9. List of guides
  10. The Linux Tutorial
Command line
  1. Basic linux commands/Linux/docs/
  2. Unix/Linux commands
  3. Unix/Linux commands
  4. 'Linux in a nutshell' commands
  5. Manual for Linux commands
Common Linux subjects
  1. Grub bootloader
  2. LILO boot loader howto
  3. SMB How to share files & printers
  4. Understanding fstab
  5. File Permissions in Linux
  6. PCLinuxOS on pendrive
  7. Auto mount tutorial (advanced)
  8. Sudo manual
Native Linux SW
  1. Find Linux native apps
  2. Find Linux native apps
  3. Table of equivalent apps
  4. Vast collection of open source project
Windows SW under Wine
  1. Wine HQ, windows app compatibility database
  2. Win Apps using Wine
HW & drivers
  1. Linux Hardware Compatibility Lists & Linux Drivers
  2. Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO
  3. Hardware Database
  4. Memory, motherboard & disk drive vendor diagnostics
KDE sites & projects
  1. Every thing KDE
  2. KDE wallpapers, themes etc
  3. KOffice home
  4. Konqueror home
OSS projects
  1. The Linux Kernel Archives
  2. Gnome home
  3. Mozilla home
  4. home
  5. Qemu processor emulation
OSS Organizations
  1. Useful info & links
  2. Free software foundation
  3. (bridging KDE-Gnome-others)
Proprietary resources
  1. VMWare Virtual Machines
  2. Create virtual machines for VMPlayer
ISO downloads
  1. PCLinuxOS version info & mirrors
  2. Latest bit torrents
  3. Bit torrents of PCLinuxOS & remasters
  4. The Linux Mirror Project / Distribution torrents
PCLinuxOS RPM repository & ISO mirrors
Special repositories
Note: the links in this section must be placed into Synaptic, Settings -> Repositories. Click the New button and insert the information into the three boxes as shown. Be sure you do NOT leave these special repositories selected when performing a system upgrade/update.
  1. Multimedia, Xfce 4.39 & more:
  2. Kernels
  1. Official PCLinuxOS CDs
  1. Nice reference for discussions
    Who said that:
Buying HW
  1. Vendor Comparison
