Mark's Quick Gimp Tip
The Gimp is incredibly powerful. When it comes to digital editing, the Gimp can do anything those higher end apps can do. Whether it's removing scratches from old photographs, restoring and sharpening digital images, or enhancing your photos, the Gimp can do it all! However, one of the stumbling blocks to learning the Gimp is understanding the basic idea of "Layers."
Working in Layers allows the user to isolate the portion of an image so it can be worked on and manipulated separately form the original (or base image) without destroying the orignal image. Think of layers as panes of glass that are placed on top of the photo/image you're editing.

You can then copy and move part of the base image up and onto a new pane of glass (or layer) and then manipulate it in any number of ways using Gimp's digital tools. But most new users have a hard time understanding how layers work, are created, moved around, etc. Sometimes, showing the new user a completed Gimp file, complete with layers, is the best way.
I've linked to a photo that I edited in Gimp. You can download it at: _Tip/September. Extract the .xcf file and then open it in Gimp. Play with the layers. Toggle them on and off, move them around, erase them, duplicate them, etc.
Have fun with it. In the process, you'll better understand the whole idea behind working with Layers.