by Paul Arnote (parnote)
During July, Google rolled out "enhancements" to its popular Gmail service. Google now has Gmail setup
to "automatically" filter your email into several predefined "tabs" or "categories," completely
independent of any other filters you might have set up in your Gmail account. Google has a long
history of "fixing" things that were never broken. This definitely falls within that category.
Almost every reaction I've read about these "enhancements" has been negative. And it's not as if
Google really cares what its users think, anyway. Now, instead of just receiving your email into
one simple inbox and allowing the filters that you have set up handle the sorting of the email,
someone at Google it would be a good idea for you to have to search through multiple tabs to find
your email. Click on the "+" at the far right to bring up the settings dialog box.
Without even asking (or caring) if you want this "enhancement," Google just thrust it upon its Gmail
users. Thanks a lot, Google (not). Above is the "default" values that Google suggests for setting up
your Gmail Inbox. Google doesn't even give you the opportunity to define or name your own tabs. Your
only choice is to give them the default name that Google wants you to use.
To revert your Gmail appearance back to the "old," single Inbox look, deselect every message category,
except for "Primary." Voila! Now you have your "old" Gmail Inbox back. Also, so that these funky tab
labels don't show up in your list of Gmail labels, go into the settings for Gmail and set the labels
for Social, Promotions, Updates and Forums to "Hide." Even after turning off the tabs, Gmail will still
try to apply the labels, unless you turn them off (hide them), too.