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From The Chief Editor's Desk...

Wow! It's nearly summer here, and I'm beginning to wonder if things will ever slow down!

We (my wife and I) feel like we've been running non-stop for an eternity. Let's see … between the end of the regular school year and the activities it brings, the start of summer school (during the month of June), birthday parties, Cub Scout graduation, gardening, yard work, and everything else going on, we feel like we've been “on the go” for a very long time with no reprieve.

Still to go are Cub Scout camps (my daughter will be attending Bear camp, and my son will be attending Webelos camp), and scheduling a time for a Cub Scout “Bike Hike.” My wife and I are the “hiking chairs” for our Cub Scout pack. Once a year we plan a “bike hike” to break the monotony. During last year's inaugural “bike hike,” the kids rode over eight miles on a local bike trail (4+ miles out, 4+ miles back, or a total of just over 12.9Km).

Paul, Ryan and Lexi
Scout Day At The K (Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City) to watch the KC Royals take on the Texas Rangers

Our Cubmaster started the monthly hikes within our Cub Scout pack during the pandemic, as an opportunity for the Cub Scouts and their families to get outside and do some “scout-worthy” outdoor activities. After the first year, he handed off the planning of the monthly hikes to the “hiking chairs” … which is my wife and me. Those hikes have become a monthly staple. And yes, we schedule a monthly hike during every month of the year, even during the winter. Participation is voluntary, meaning the monthly hikes are not compulsory.

This year, to spur attendance to the hikes (attendance had dropped off some), we came up with a “treasure chest.” That treasure chest is stocked by my wife and me with some relatively inexpensive things that can be used during their Scouting activities. So, the treasure chest, instead of having “toys” in it, contains campfire forks (for roasting hot dogs or making S'Mores), ponchos, fire starters, pocket knives, “survival” whistles, compasses, water bottles, Bandaids (for their first aid kits), bug wipes, bug wristbands, flashlights (complete with batteries), and camp eating utensils, among other things. Just in case you were wondering, the fire starters and pocket knives are allowed to be selected *only* IF their parent(s) agree.

Everything in the treasure chest is something that they can use during their Scouting activities, and most of the items are things they can use over and over again. After completing the hike, those in attendance get to pick an item out of the treasure chest. It has helped keep attendance good during our monthly hikes.

As you might imagine, we are frequent visitors to Dollar Tree, the clearance aisle at Walmart, Harbor Freight Tools, Academy Sports, and a few other stores, looking for items to restock the treasure chest. The Cub Scouts notice when we restock the treasure box with “new” items. When we first started “stocking” the fire starters, they were the hot ticket item. The same thing happened when we stocked the water bottles and campfire forks.

We'll probably keep on doing it for as long as the kids are in Cub Scouts. It's our way of contributing something to the Cub Scout pack, as a whole. Plus, it's only one hike per month. Having a child in Cub Scouts is definitely a family endeavor, requiring the participation of not only the child, but also their adult “partner.” When Ryan had to complete his “outdoor cooking” requirement for Webelos, we donated two dozen eggs (from our backyard flock of chickens, nonetheless). His den leader contributed the rest of the items to make tasty egg, sausage, and cheese burritos. All of the kids got a chance to help cook the meal.


Whatever you do, DON'T look up! Nah! I'm just kidding! This month's cover “celebrates” World UFO Day, which is on June 24, 2024. This month's cover image is by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay. Now, I wonder if “they” use PCLinuxOS, or if “they” are members of the PCLinuxOS forum?


Until next month, I bid you peace, happiness, serenity, prosperity, and continued good health!

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