by Daniel Meiß-Wilhelm (leiche)
What can you do when a program, such as Firefox, starts consuming RAM memory? In the PCLinuxOS forums, a user asked about a tool named memlockd, because Firefox had been quickly using extra resources and thrashing his HD. Memlockd gives a quick access to TTY, where he can use the command "killall firefox." However, we can use a faster method, without resorting to the use of memlockd.
Copy and paste the following desktop file as kill_firefox.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=killall firefox
Name[de]=Tote Firefox
Exec=killall firefox
Save it on your Desktop. If Firefox misbehaves, click it.
Save it under $HOME/.local/share/applications. It will now be displayed in Start > More Applications > Monitoring.
Now can you add it in your lxpanel. Right click on the panel, and choose add/remove panel items, look at application launch bar, click on edit and choose Kill Firefox.

If you have xbindkeys running, ps -e | grep xbindkeys will display it. You can add a shortcut with it. For example, xbindkeys -k.

Press your desired combination of keys or/and click under the window. You can use one of the two lines after "NoCommand" in $HOME/.xbindkeysrc to bind a key.

I pushed <ctrl>+<alt>+<0>.

"(Scheme function)"
m:0xc + c:19
Control+Alt + 0
Add this to your $HOME/.xbindkeysrc:
# killing firefox
"killall firefox"
m:0xc + c:19
Control+Alt + 0
Now, restart xbindkeys. In a terminal, enter killall xbindkeys && sleep 1 && xbindkeys.