What is your name/username?
How old are you?
Are you married, single?
In a relationship with Sabine. She used to live in Hamburg, but moved here with me in Denmark.
How about Kids, Grandkids (names and ages)?
No & no
Do you have pets, what is your favorite?
Are you retired, still working and if working, what do you do?
I'm still working the last many years as a carpenter, building new houses. Before that, I was CTO in the computer company, which dealt with medical systems. I built the hardware, installed it, was on the software team who developed it and finally reverse engineered our competitors data, when we took over a client, that was great fun. And in my younger years, I was a ski-instructor in St. Anton am Arlberg. Let me just say, that it was a lot of laughs.
Where do you call home? What is it like? IE: weather, scenery
We live on the east coast of Jutland in Denmark, eight kilometers (4.9 miles) from the sea. It's beautiful here, hills, woods, the sea, well it's just nice, if it wasn't for the rain. We have good days too, mainly in May and August.

Where did you go to school and what is your education level?
I got my master of computer science in Lyngby, at DTU (Danish Technical University).
What kind of things do you like doing? hobbies, travel, fishing, camping?
Well, obviously skiing, waterskiing and a little bit of motocross.
Why and when did you start using Linux?
2005. My first was Fedora. Somewhere I stumbled upon PCLinuxOS and I've been here ever since. I got fed up with winblows, as simple as that.
What specific equipment do currently use with PCLOS?
I've two Lenovo Laptops for business and a shiny red HP laptop for play. All of them are running PCLinuxOS, one 32 bit LXDE and the other two 64 bit KDE.
Do you feel that your use of Linux influences the reactions you receive from your computer peers or family? If so, how?
Yes, I'm some kind of Linux ambassador here in my neck of the woods. My spouse got her first five years ago and she is a happy camper.
What would you like to see happen within PCLOS that would make it a better place. What are your feelings?
I'm happy, so keep up the good work everybody. On my wishlist is only one item: could somebody please compile the "MuPdf" as a library (*.so), as I can't get the makesystem to work (I'm not C savvy). I just need the one *.so file, so it doesn't have to be a package. There's a guide on their website. Pretty Please....
PCLinuxOS Family Member Spotlight is an exclusive, monthly column by YouCanToo, featuring PCLinuxOS forum members. This column will allow "the rest of us" to get to know our forum family members better, and will give those featured an opportunity to share their PCLinuxOS story with the rest of the world.
If you would like to be featured in PCLinuxOS Family Member Spotlight, please send a private message to youcantoo, parnote or Meemaw in the PCLinuxOS forum expressing your interest.