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Good Words, Good Deeds, Good News

compiled by Meemaw

Firefighter Rescues Trucker Whose Truck Went Through The Guardrail

Firefighter Saves Trucker

A Kentucky firefighter is being celebrated for making the daring rescue of a woman whose truck crashed over a bridge's guard rails, leaving her dangling nearly 100 feet above the Ohio River.

CBS News captured harrowing footage showing 29-year-old Bryce Carden of the Louisville Fire Department carrying a female tractor-trailer driver back to safety after she was trapped in the truck's cab for 40 minutes.

Abandoned Puppy Will Receive Special Training

Police Officer Saves Puppy

An abandoned puppy is now living a life some dogs could only dream of thanks to kind-hearted law enforcement officers in Price, Utah. Police officers recently shared the story of the two-month-old pup now called Pee-Dee who was discovered in a box on the side of a highway on February 10, KUTV reported Thursday. He was out in the freezing weather, but whoever abandoned him left a paper with his breed, birthday and vaccination records. He has been a really cheerful dog, and officers have decided to have him trained as a certified critical incident emotional support dog.

Sisters May Be World's Oldest Live Siblings

Oldest Living Sisters

The six Overall sisters believe they are the oldest living siblings, and have reached out to Guinness World Records to have it checked. They range in age from 88 to 101. They mentioned that they had an older brother, Stanley, who had passed away, but would have been 102.

“I think he would be thrilled with it, and very proud of all of his sisters because they all meant the world to him,” Stanley's daughter said.

Iowa Teen Learns To Walk Again


Grace was in an accident in September which resulted in a traumatic brain injury. She has since been in a rehabilitation center, working very hard to recover, which for her, includes learning how to walk again.

According to her occupational therapist, “She had multiple complexities that we were dealing with — vision, weight-bearing precautions, limited movement in her arms, in her legs, and so initially, we were just working on her arousal.” They have nicknamed her Amazing Grace.

She has worked very hard to overcome all her problems, including mental problems, but she is excited to go home. “It was a lot of work, and I'm still doing a lot of work at home and here, but it's good to have all the surrounding communities help support me through all this hard work,” she said.

Special Needs People Attend Night of Wonders

Bridge To Independence

A Nebraska organization, Bridge to Independence, organized an evening where kids with special needs could dress up and spend some time with their families. Many special needs kids attend their high school proms, but some have needs the personnel may not be able to accommodate.

Dr. McKenzie Schneider

Bridge to Independence President Dr. McKenzie Schneider said, “Typically, you have to be 14, 15 years of age. And with that, we've actually got a couple of terminally ill children here tonight that won't live to be 14 or 15 years of age.” This event was open to all ages.

They plan to hold the event yearly.

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