PCLinuxOS Magazine November 2007
Issue 15

All Magazine Issues

  • EditorialWe hope you enjoy Issue 15! We have a great issue with the final article of the series on KDE, help on the Linux command line, the Linux directory explained and much more.
  • Letters to the EditorReader's respond with questions and comments.
  • TestimonialsNew user's share their successes with PCLinuxOS.
  1. PCLOS On YoutubeTutorials on using PCLinuxOS on Youtube!
  2. Antec 900 Case ReviewLooking to build a new system? Take a good look at this case.
  3. Linux Directory StructureWhere are all my files?
  4. Linux Command LinePower Users love the freedom of the command line. Here's how you can get started taking complete control of your PCLinuxOS system.
  5. Chapter 10 KDE User GuideThe final episode on using a KDE system. This article focuses on using the OpenOffice suite of programs in a KDE system.
  6. The Hardware Database Needs YouYou want to help, but don't know how? Try submitting a report about how well PCLinuxOS works on your hardware. Here's how to get started.
  7. PCLOS Case Stickers - AdSay goodbye to "Designed for Microsoft Windows", and hello to "Powered by PCLinuxOS"!
  8. Quick TipsTwo tips for speeding up you linux install
