PCLinuxOS Magazine June 2009
Issue 30
All Magazine Issues
- The Phoenix Master
I have always been an artist. I used to be a "mad Windows themer" and was for many many years. Now i have found my way to Linux and applying themes to PCLinuxOS.
- apturl
It brings PCLinuxOS closer to top Linux distributions offering installations of their packages through a web browser.
- MiniMe 2009, PCLinuxOS 2009.2 and Zen Mini
Exciting New Releases!
- The Simplest Way To Rip Audio CDs
Based on the original article by lakicsv in the January 2007 PCLinuxOS Magazine
- Forum Foibles
A little fun from the forum.
- Deep From Within The Blogosphere
We bring you a recent run-in between a Big Bear and a Texas Penguin.
- Testimonial: ex-Windows Convert
This distro is what I have been looking for all these years!
- Community Packaging
This is packaging done by the people of the community for the people of the community.
- Update-notifier
Update-notifier was the brainchild of Maik3531, along with the joint efforts of the PCLinuxOS community.
- Georgetoon at PCLinuxOS
Georgetoon started as a very popular college comic strip feature with the Ohio State Lantern newspaper. Now Mark Szorady is sharing his talent with PCLinuxOS Magazine!
- Using AT&T's Newest 3G Modem With MiniMe and 2009.1
Here's how I got my new AT&T Quicksilver to work in Minime 2008 and 2009.1. This should also work in 2007.
- PCLinuxOS Gnome
Even though PCLinuxOS is primarily a KDE distribution, some prefer the GNOME as a default desktop install.
- ms_meme's little nook
Standing by THE MAN
- The Phoenix Has Risen
Sproggy announced the availability of PCLinuxOS XFCE RC1 codename Phoenix.
- Through the Lens
"Through the Lens" is a column about digital photography using the PCLinuxOS distribution.
- Scripts-R-Us
The beautiful thing about scripts is that they let you fully customize your environment and occasionally share the scripts you have written to make other people's lives easier.
- Testimonial: Keeping my 10-year-old laptop alive and running
It has a sticker on it that says "designed for Microsoft Windows 98". Thanks to PCLinuxOS Gnome Edition, it runs quite fast.
- Graphic File Formats Comparison
Hopefully, this brief overview will help sort out which graphic format is most useful for your use.